I’m using a Microsoft form on our sharepoint which populates an excel worksheet. The image url is something like https://XXXXXXX-my.sharepoint.com/personal/XXXXXXX_YYYYYY_ie/Documents/Apps/Microsoft%20Forms/Book%205/Question/pic_MY%20IMAGE%202.png
I have a zap setup to read from the worksheet and send it to our buffer scheduler but it complains of an invalid image when it gets to that point.
A URL of this form is ok tho - https://www.chortle.co.uk/images/layout/chortlelogo_small.jpg
Is Zapier unable to read sharepoint images urls or would it be a Buffer.com problem?
https://dubcfm-my.sharepoint.com/personal/jamesgouldsbury_dublincityfm_ie/Documents/Apps/Microsoft%20Forms/Book%205/Question/pic_James%20Gouldsbury%202.png |