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Excel data > Web Page with Client Specific Data Row > Secure Portal Log In > Also Access to view Project Specific Info

  • 15 August 2020
  • 1 reply

I’ve got to create a hub for a small forum of circa 30 private individuals, whose excel data columns vary for each individual (up to 180 cells) but need to provide the following elements;

  1. Web Based Personal Dashboard - 10 to 15 Data Cells showing values in Bar/Pie/Line/£/% that only that person can see via their own log in credentials
  2. Private Chat / Message area - between Moderator and Member
  3. Group Forum message board - between Moderator and all Members
  4. Access to generic media for Forum - Video/Image/Pdf docs

The Forum group is a NFP entity (Not-for-Profit) who needs max Monthly updates (not daily feeds from excel or other external feeds) and there is effectively no budget spend, but I’d like to host something online if possible to gain interaction between members during COVID19 where access to meet as a group is restricted.

The products being used at present are Excel (data), Net Nerds (Hosting) and Stand Out (Web page).

It’s number 1. that’s causing the headache - I can use Facebook/Google for generic forum swaps - any ideas????

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

For this, you probably want to use Airtable or a similar app. It’ll give you the ability to create permissions so that people can only see data you’ve shared with them via their own view of the data.