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i have a zap from eventbrite to google sheets but the field "event start local" is giving random numbers - I need a field that will give me the time and date of the event but it’s just bringing in random numbers like 44525.59375


any ideas on a work around - I need date and time of the workshop in the spreadsheet as I run many ongoing multiple eventbrite events



Hey @Petewarnock11 can you post screenshots of how your zap is set up? It might be worth it to double check your parameters are mapped correctly.  What options does eventbrite give you for mapping?


Hi @Petewarnock11 

The extra backslash at the end might be causing the issue.


no I just added that field in as the one above (start local) wasn't working - ive deleted the backslash



this is the one i need working



You may need to specify the format of the column in GSheets to be a date:


Alternative is to use Airtable instead of GSheets as your operational database app:

Airtable has defined field types unlike GSheets: