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Eventbrite already registered attendees zap to zoom

I am new to zap,

I have created a webinar event on Eventbrite that is already live and has 10 purchases, and I have also already created a zoom Webinar.

I just created a new zap. In the “trigger event” there is no option for “already registered attendees” and only for new orders or new registrations.

Is there anyway to zap already registered attendees from Eventbrite to zoom ? Or will I have to manually register to zoom the attendees who have already payed, and set zap for new orders or registrants only 

Hi there @Hratchig9 and welcome to the community!

So Zapier itself doesn't support this kind of action, but you can make a “workaround” for this which requires minimal manual work. Here is what you could do:

  • Export the attendees that already registered 
  • Import it in Google Sheets
  • Create a workflow that searched in the sheet for the attendees, etc.
  • Do something on a Zoom action within that workflow

Let me know if you have any other questions or need any additional help. Cheers!



@ForYourIT Thank you so much for your answer. I highly appreciate the help.

apologies as I am trying to familiarize myself with terminologies so i have tried to rephrase what you wrote to make sure I understand.

If I have understood you correctly, I should do the following:

  1. To take care of new attendees, create a normal zap to automatically register new attendees from eventbrite to zoom webinar, 
  2. for attendees who have already registered, use eventbrite reports to create a list of  those attendees,  import that list in a csv file so I can upload it on zoom  to send them the registrations emails

Feel free to clarify if I got anything wrong.

No problem @Hratchig9 we are all here to help out! 

  1. Correct. Zapier will take care of the newly registered
  2. Not completely

What I suggest is the following:

  • You create a new Zap workflow, or copy the current one you have working. Let's call it “Current attendees zap” for now.
  • You export the Eventbrite report with attendees that registered before you could create the Zap. I am not sure if you can filter in Eventbrite.
  • You import the CSV to Google Sheets 
  • You edit your Zap “Current attendees zap” and instead of triggering on Eventbride, you let it Trigger on something you can manually modify. For example “push by zapier”
  • In your Zap, you would add a Google Sheets action that looks up the data you exported from Eventbride, and imported in sheets earlier.
  • Now you can continue your workflow (you might need you change some variables) and do anything with Zoom that you normally would do

I am not sure if this makes it more clear, but let me know. If you need any support we will be happy to help out.


Thanks for the thorough answer @ForYourIT :)

@Hratchig9: we’ve got a help doc that might help clarify things for you:

Hope that helps!