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I am attempting to take book and video game releases from my google calendar and have them announce in my discord announcements section.  I’ve managed to get an announcement to go through but do not know how to get the description (the message posted to discord) to use the event title from google calendar.  

Each event has “by” as the trigger in google calendar.

So I have it like this:
Event Starts with my google calendar with events with “by” in the title
This triggers a message in my announcements on discord 10 minutes before the event begins.
In the message text I have “A new book is releasing” and a link to the calendar.
I want the message to read as the google event title.

How do I set this up?

Hey there, @One Last Page! Thanks for swinging by!

This should be doable! In your Discord Action setup in the Message Text field does this give you the Event Title? 🤔

Let us know if that works for you! 

It does not seem to have fully worked.  It does make a message but this is what it looks like.  No info from the calendar.

Here is what I did:


Hey, @One Last Page 

Can you try loading a real trigger sample from your Google Calendar account? In your second screenshot, it looks like you’re testing with generic sample data right now. Please ensure that the description field has a value, then re-test that step.

​Can you please give that a try and let me know how it works out?


This appears to have worked!  Thank you so much!  I may be back later if it breaks!