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Any update on this issue I am having a similar problem it keeps saying

We’re having trouble loading ‘Collection’ data

I was excited that you allow to create a zap with mongoDB but sadly looks like it’s not working.

Hi @nicksimard!

Thank you for the update. Actually, I’m using Azure Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB (3.6 version).

I’ll try other MongoDB hosting services.



HI @cads95 and @Take!

I just checked this issue and it looks like anything that is 3.X.X likely won’t work, although there are also comments that using MongoDB Atlas did not work but that a 3.X.X version did work. They had used mLab in their testing. I’ve added you both as affected users for this issue.

@Danvers @KaTang @cads95 

Any updates for this Error? I got the same error message.

Hi If I install mongo version 3.6 should it work?

Hi @KaTang, could I ask what version of MongoDB you’re using? 


The Zapier MongoDB integration currently only supports versions up to 3.x.x