Hi @Gil
Just checking in to see if you still need help with this?
authentication failed: Error parsing response. We got: "<!DOCTYPE html> <html > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="widt"
Hi there, as Troy mentioned, the authentication failed error. Here’s our response from our help documents:
This is very common and usually involves a bad plugin! If you just installed a plugin, you should try disabling and try again. If that doesn't help, just contact support and ask us to check our logs, we'll do our best to identify the troubled plugin for you!
Source: https://zapier.com/help/doc/common-problems-wordpress#expat-or-parsing-error
If you don’t have any plugins, there is an open issue that is being discussed here:
I will go through all of my plugins one by one to try and Isolate the issue and how do I contact support if I can’t isolate the issue?
@David - Gaylife Magazine
You can open a ticket here: https://zapier.com/app/contact-us