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I’m receiving the following error when trying to connect WordPress to Zapier:


authentication failed: Got 401 calling POST, triggering auth refresh.


I have ensured the Zapier plugin is installed and activated.


Please could you provide a solution, or get in touch to assist?


Many thanks,


Hi @3growRuss 

Check the available help docs for WordPress:

Often other plugins can impact the connection/authentication.

If you still need help, you can open a ticket with Zapier Support here:

Hey @3growRuss, hope you’re well, I just wanted to check in here!

Were you able to fix the issue here with the info from Troy, or can we still help?

Many of the 401 errors that we receive when working with WordPress will be due to security issues with the site host or the site itself. For example, plugins or firewall rules can block traffic or authentication from Zapier.