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Enable to Read the Firestore Fields

  • 19 March 2021
  • 6 replies


The zap that I am trying to create has Cloud Firestore as a trigger. Once a new document is created in the Cloud Firestore it triggers the Zap.  The collection is test and it has fields named name, address, and so on. I need to use these fields values in the action. The action is creating a customer in the Zoho Books using the fields received from the trigger. My doubt is how do I read the field and use it in the Zoho Books? I tried Fields Name String Value and it is considers Fields Name String Value as the customer name instead of the value in the Firestore field name which will be different. 

@Mishal Would you mind providing a screenshot of the Output from the Trigger as well as the Zoho Books Action setting page?  This will help me visualize what you are trying to do.

Result of the Trigger:

createTime: 2021-03-16T08:50:39.388911Z

updateTime: 2021-03-18T12:57:58.422018Z

id projects/xyz/databases/(default)/documents/practices/ad9979b0-8634-11eb-9f30-2dd42e0abbc1



stringValue  TESTREALTED


The action:




@Mishal If I understand your question, you are correctly mapping the String Value to the Action.  Wehn the Zap runs, the value will be different for each trigger.  If I am missing something, please clarify.

Yes the trigger will be different. So while creating a customer in the Zoho books, it should create a customer with the field value of practiceName. The value of the field practiceName is TESTREALTED, hence in zoho books the name of the customer should be the same. But that is not happening. Please have a look at the screenshot.


In the action section, Set up action, I have set the value of the Contact name like this.



In the Action page, you have typed the literal “Fields Practice Name String Value” versus selecting it from the previous step.  Click on the Contact Name field, scroll to the trigger Step and select the “stringValue” field.

Thank you :grinning:...that works fine...