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I am trying to effect this use case.

  • When a message is sent by a user from one channel to another, I want all responses to that message to appear in a thread.

Current situation

Using this slack trigger [New message posted to channel in Slack] to effect this action [send channel message in slack].

To enable a thread conversation, in the action [send channel message in slack], I placed the “Thread ts data” from the tigger gNew message posted to channel in Slack].



Whenever a message is sent from Channel a, it is automatically sent to Channel B (which is what I want, great). However, when a user from channel b replies that message from channel a, the reply appears in Channel a as a new line message (see image 1 for example). What I want is to ensure that the conversations on both channels appear in a thread format (see image 2)

Image 1



image 2


I look forward to your feedbacks, Zap fam.

Hello, any ideas?

Hey there @NocodeStan! would you be able to post a screenshot of how your zap is configured? It seems that every reply is triggering the zap to start from the beginning again and maybe there is a workaround to fix this! The first thing that comes to mind is maybe using a filter or pathway step after your trigger to prevent another thread from being started? Hopefully one of these works! Here’s a link to a walk-through on using filters and pathways 🙂

Looking forward to seeing if one of those solves your issue!

Hey @NocodeStan just checking in to see if you were able to implement any of these solutions and if your issue was resolved?