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Embedding images in the body of email in Gmail

  • 2 January 2021
  • 8 replies

hey i have an app on glide where you can select your photos and send them to an email. but I have an problem when people send the photos it sends like an link but I want it to be a photo in the mail and not a link how can I do that with Zaiper?

Do you mean including images as an attachment on the email or embedding the images in the body of the email?


If embedded in the body of the email you’ll need to use HTML and the IMG tag:

embedding the images in the body of the email

I tried the IMG tag, but for some reason I get the image placeholder, along with the ALT tag.

I’m thinking maybe it needs more time to download the PNG?

@Matthewzap Please provide a screenshot of how your IMG tag is configured.

That was quick! Thanks :)


@Matthewzap That looks correct.

Check the URL resolves to an image as expected.


Yeah, it works. I tried other image URLs to double check.

Thanks for the help. I’ll keep hacking at it. 

I am having the exact same problem! Still haven’t figured it out. Let me know if you do! @Matthewzap