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Email templates with conditional content from Airtable.

  • 26 March 2020
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 3

Hi, I have created a zap using Gmail and Airtable. The email gets sent to my print vendor and is triggered from a view in Airtable that is named “Send To Print”. Most orders have 1 item that is going to print, but some have items that we call “Add Ons”. They basically accompany the primary print piece. 

My question is: Can I customize the email template, so that it will list “Add On” items, only if there are any? If not, the entire section (outlined in red below) would be left out of the email. Or, only the item that had a quantity filled in, would be sent in the email. 


 I’ve attached screenshots of the email, the zap as it currently is, and a record in Airtable. 

I hope this makes sense. 





Airtable Record where the data is pulled from:



Best answer by Danvers 7 April 2020, 16:35

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi there @Nate_B - Thanks for writing in. 

Have you checked out Filter by Zapier with specifically a focus on using filters to fix empty field values?

Please give this a shot and let us know if it worked for you!

Userlevel 3

Hi there @Nate_B - Thanks for writing in. 

Have you checked out Filter by Zapier with specifically a focus on using filters to fix empty field values?

Please give this a shot and let us know if it worked for you!

Hmm, I read through the article, and I don't think that it works for me. From my understanding, if someone filled out a form, and left a field blank, the filter could add “dummy” information to complete the field. But what I need, is something that will remove the fields and labels from the email completely. 

Did I miss something maybe? 

Userlevel 3

Hi there @Nate_B - Thanks for writing in. 

Have you checked out Filter by Zapier with specifically a focus on using filters to fix empty field values?

Please give this a shot and let us know if it worked for you!

Actually, I see how this could possibly work. But it would require me to basically make the same zap over and over, and then use the filter to decide which email template to send. 

Thanks for the suggestion.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Nate_B! Yep, you’ve got it - you can create two Zaps: one that will run if there is something in those fields and one that runs if it doesn’t. 


If you’re on the Professional Plan or higher, you can also do this with one Zap, using Paths. Paths allow you to logic to the Zap that says ‘if this condition is met, do these actions’. If you’re not on a Professional Plan, and only have two conditions (eg there’s Add on’s or there aren’t) then two Zaps and filter will do the job just as well 🙂