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I am trying to set up an email notification to the lead owner when an Unbounce lead is created in Salesforce. 


I have set up lead assignment with the email trigger in Salesforce properly (Salesforce support confirmed) and the problem is with the Unbounce API:  the API call needs to include:

  •  "AssignmentRuleHeader" to trigger the Assignment Rules.
  •  "EmailHeader" with "triggerUserEmail" set to 'true' to generate assignment notification emails.

However, Unbounce cannot change their API to include this - how can Zapier help this API issue?

Hi @Kate ,

Thanks for reaching out to us! I see you have been in touch with Michael in Support who has added you to a feature request as this functionality is not currently available.

In an effort to assist other members who may have a similar question, I am providing their response below. 

I know that is not the answer you were hoping for, but please let us know if you have any additional questions!


It's not currently possible to edit the *Header* values that Zapier sends to Salesforce when creating a new lead record.

Right now, a different kind of method might prove helpful...After an app like Unbounce or Zapier adds a new lead to Salesforce, a more custom *Workflow Rule* might be able to send an email, rather than the default Assignment Rules.