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Hey there, 


atm I am trying to connect Close to Gmail. Everything just worked fine but all of a sudden the email adress in new Test Events Data went missing. The whole process is down now …

I created new Leads in Close, tried different Events but it got even worse because now it doesnt even find new events for testing. 


Hoping for you help :)




Hi @Patronus-Group 

Can you please post screenshots of how your Zap steps are configured?

Just wanted to follow up here to add some suggestions for what to do when a trigger sample from Close isn’t providing the desired fields:

  1. Try pulling in a new sample from Close. If the Zap is using an instant trigger you’ll want to click the “Test trigger” button and then immediately, in another browser window or tab, open up Close and add a lead in Close making sure any missing fields have a value in them. This should allow the Zap to pull in that lead as a new sample and see the missing fields.
  2. Check the connected account’s access permissions for the missing field. If the field has suddenly stopped appearing then it could be that the permissions for the account have since been changed and it’s no longer able to view/edit the field: Close - Roles & Permissions


If the field is still missing after trying the above steps then it would be best to contact our Support Team to investigate further. They can be reached via the Get Help form.