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I want to create a sheduled snowflake query. I want the rows of the query to be exported to csv and send it as an outlook email

Hi @ariq 

Review the available triggers/actions and help links for each Zap app:

Hi there @ariq 👋

How are things going on this? Were you able to get the desired workflow set up between Snowflake and Outlook by using Schedule by Zapier for the trigger? 

For the generating the CSV itself, I wanted to suggest looking at using an app like EasyCSV which has an action to generate a CSV file.

Alternatively, you could have the Zap generate a new spreadsheet in Google Sheets, add the data from Snowflake to it, a Google Drive Find a File action could be used to get the CSV version of the spreadsheet (File CSV field). Or you can generate the file link as mentioned here: 

Then, you’d select the link to the CSV version to be added as the email’s attachment. 

If you’re getting stuck at all or have found a different solution please do let us know! 🙂
