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Email attachment from the Email Parser by Zapier to

  • 10 September 2023
  • 3 replies

I am using the Zapier Email Parser to parse emails and than create items in The emails contain a pdf attachments I also need to add to my Monday Items. Now I was able to extract the file, but it was added to Monday as a download link from the Zapier dev AWS service (“”).

I prefer it to be a real file in the item, anyone knows how can I do it?

if not possible, I am okay with having the file as a link - but how long would it be saved on the servers? 


Thank you!



Best answer by gitit 11 September 2023, 09:02

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Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @gitit 

Good question.

To help us have more context, please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.

What type of Monday Board Column are you trying to use?


Zapier Email Parser will create temp file from the parsed email, which have links that expire.


Help article for using files in Zaps:

Hey @Troy Tessalone 

Thank you, I have a file column in my Monday board but Zapier wont let me edit it for some reason. 

As you can see in the image of the Monday board, the column Project file is a File column,  but in the Zapier image there is no option for editing it. Using the link column I was able to add the attachment form the email, but like you said, the link will expire, so, how can I work around it? I need to be able to access the file for a long time (more than a year), and for now the only way I can do it is by manually downloading the file and uploading it, but that beats the purpose of automating everything.   


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Certain column types might not be supported in the Monday Zap app integration.

If so, then the Monday API would have to be used:

App APIs can be used in Zaps via these apps: