
Email addresses missing from new rows in MySQL

  • 9 February 2022
  • 8 replies


I’ve started experiencing an issue with my Zaps. I have several automations based on connecting my company website to MySQL, MySQL to Zapier, and Zapier to MailChimp. Our users come onto our website and enter their phone number to begin the onboarding process. They then enter their name, email, and other personal info to create their account. This information is collected in MySQL. Our Zapier automations action based on new rows found in our user table. So when a user completes the onboarding mentioned on our website, a new row is added to MySQL. Zapier is connected to MySQL and actions triggered based on the new rows of data added to MySQL. Our actions are primarily email based, so Zapier looks for the email in the new row of data to execute the automation. Zapier should then push the user’s email to Mailchimp to be added to a marketing automation flow. However, recently, more often than not, Zapier does not seem to be recognizing there is an email in data, and does not successfully push them through the flow. I have confirmed in my MySQL data that there are emails listed for users, however Zapier does not seem to be sending all users to Mailchimp, and only a handful of our users actually end up in the email flow as intended. 


I would like to note that sometimes there is a lag between when users input their phone numbers and when they input their emails - could this be the source of the issue? Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, how did you solve?




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8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @homefromcollege 

Have you tried troubleshooting to see if you can spot patterns among the data that processed successfully VS data that did not process successfully?

Check your Zap Runs to see if there was a related Zap Run triggered and if there were any filtering/errors/issues encountered:

Hi Troy!


I think potentially the pattern may be in that there is a lag between when a new row is added to MySQL and when the email for the new row also is added. It seems like Zapier is potentially trying to run the Zap before the email has been loaded? However, it’s hard to be sure as I can’t verify the time stamp of the email appearing vs the rest of the data appearing in each column of a new user row in MySQL. Do you have any insight to this? Appreciate your help!



Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Can you post screenshots with how each of your Zap steps are currently configured?


Have you tried these Zap steps?

  1. Trigger: MySQL - New/Updated Row
  2. Action: Filter (check to make sure the email exists)
  3. Action: Mailchimp - Add/Update Subscriber




Here are pictures of one of the Zaps for which this occurring

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Try changing the Zap steps to these:

  1. Trigger: MySQL - New/Updated Row
  2. Action: Filter (check to make sure the email exists)
  3. Action: Mailchimp - Add/Update Subscriber


OR add a Delay step as Step 2 in your Zap:

Thanks so much! I think I’ll try for the delay for now because I want to allow for time for the email to be added. Appreciate your help!

I did have one more question if you’re able to help - I was given notice that some zaps were held because of an insufficient number of zaps in my purchase plan. I updated the plan so that I had more than enough zaps, however when I try to action the replay of the zaps, zapier will not replay them. Can you help me solve?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

If the Zap changed too much from when the Zap Run occurred then that can prevent the Zap from being replayed:


Might be best to open a ticket with Zapier Support for further assistance/guidance on replaying Held Zaps: