Hey there! Can you explain what kind of info you’d like to get from Groupon? You may be able to do this by parsing email, but it will all depend on what you’re looking to do.
Some more info on your use case would be helpful in aiding us with the right solution for you!
Hi there, i sell items on Groupon as well as the other platforms, and would like all my daily sales direct from Groupon to be sent into Xero. Xero can then automatically create a draft invoice for me. so i would need sales quantity, sale price per sku sent down.
let me know if you need more info?
Hey - Yes. If these emails are standardised, you can do this by parsing the HTML and sending that to Xero. If the emails are simple enough, you might be able to do this with a formatter step, but otherwise, you might be looking at doing this with a little bit of code.