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Trying to save a gmail xlsx attachment to Google Drive keeps creating an empty invalid file.

I’m using the trigger “New Attachment in Gmail”  so it should fire for each attachment.

In my search string I include “filename:xlsx” which works in a gmail search.

Yet the file that is being created on Google Drive is not recognized as an Excel FIle.  (drive would display it with an excel icon, but it’s displaying with what looks like a blank image)

What am I missing here?


Update,  It is saving the xlsx file correctly, but it’s also saving the other garbage attachments that are not xlsx files.  I only want to save the one xlsx attachment.


Hi @Mary_S 

The trigger set up sounds correct. You would then pass in the attachment for the file and the name of the attachment for the name. 


Since the trigger is firing for any attachment, I would add a filter step as step 2 to only allow attachments of a certain type through

Perhaps something like