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Hello, im using Zapier for Facebook Lead Ads → Excel.
Company have now many branches, with different budget. I need to manage leads in better way. So here is what i need:
1. Warsaw - Budget 300$
2. London - Budget 500$
3. Berlin - Budget 100$

I need from zapier to manage leads in way where i can control how many leads will go to Warsaw, London, and Berlin. So it should looks like this:
Facebook generated 9 leads:
3 Leads are going to Warsaw excel/google sheets.
5 Leads are going to London excel/google sheets.
1 Lead are going to Berlin excel/google sheets.

I just cannot figure how i can do this…

Is there any chance i can do this with Zapier?


Hi @DominikC 

You can add a Filter step to the Zaps:


Zap Steps

  1. Trigger: FB Lead Ads - New Lead Ad
  2. Action: Filter
    1. Condition: City = Berlin (example)
  3. Action: GSheets - Create Row
    1. GSheet: Berlin

Hi @DominikC 

You can add a Filter step to the Zaps:


Zap Steps

  1. Trigger: FB Lead Ads - New Lead Ad
  2. Action: Filter
    1. Condition: City = Berlin (example)
  3. Action: GSheets - Create Row
    1. GSheet: Berlin

Yea but Facebook Campaign is set Worldwide so i can’t use filter Berlin, because there is no Berlin or any city in FB Lead Ads...


There needs to be some sort of identifier in order to do Filtering/Routing to the correct GSheets.

Otherise, consider configuring 1 FB Lead Ad Form per location, then you can have a 1:1 relationship per FB Lead Ad Form to GSheet.