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Discord mentions not supported?

  • 17 November 2021
  • 3 replies

Please add a vote for the discord mentions functionality add.  Can you give us an estimation for when this will be made a priority? Or, how many more votes do we need to get this feature in your dev cycle?

Welcome @GFL coreteam! :)

I’ve added your vote for the feature request to have user mentions supported in the Discord integration. I don’t have an estimate or timeline I can share for when this feature request would be added. That said, we will email you and update this thread to confirm once the feature request has been implemented and we’ll be sharing any updates to the main thread we have open for this feature request, here: 

There isn’t a set number of votes that need to be reached in order for a feature request to be implemented. Adding votes does help to increase its priority but there are also a number of other factors that are taken into consideration when prioritising and scheduling. I can totally understand how useful the ability to mention users would be, hopefully it can be added soon! 🤞

Thank you @SamB We appreciate your thoughtful response!  Have a great rest of your week.

 Great news! Being able to “@” mention users is now supported! More info, here: