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Discord -> Google Sheets Multiple colum

  • 11 May 2020
  • 1 reply

Hello All,

We are using our discord for racing in a video game. Our users will race and when they are done they are asked to post in a format similar to below

What we are hoping to do is to have this information input into google sheets for us:

Currently I am unable to see a way for Zapier to see the difference of what information goes into what cells?

Name/Team:(output to Column A) puckvirus121 
Track:(output to Column B) Ambleside 
Class:(output to Column C) kit car
Season:(output to Column D) Summer
Time:(output to Column E) 2:42.9
Car:(output to Column F) 1993 Renault Clio williams

Would it be possible for Zapier to be able told to look for specific symbols within a message to tell it to start filling the next column? For example using | / \ ; ! 

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @puckvirus121! The first thing that comes to mind is that you could use the Formatter to do this. You could, of course, use code if you’re familiar with how to do that. Digging into that goes beyond the scope of what we can provide but here’s how I would accomplish it with Formatter.

  1. Trigger: Discord
  2. Action: Formatter — Split Text — take the Content field, separate by [:newline:] and segment into line items
  3. Action: Formatter — Split Text — take the output of the previous step, separate by  (note that there’s a space typed after the colon) and output the “last” segment
  4. Action: Formatter — Utilities — Line Item to Text (this then gives you just the sections you want, each as separate fields you can map to Google Sheets
  5. Action: Google Sheets

2) Formatter — Split Text 



3) Formatter — Split Text 


4) Formatter — Utilities — Line Item to Text



5) Google Sheets



Hope that helps to clarify what I meant with my initial instructions :)