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Discord > Google Contacts > Calendar > Discord

  • 13 May 2021
  • 4 replies

I’m working on creating a series of zaps that will create calendar updates in my gaming community server on discord. So far, I have 3 tasks, named respectively as follows:

  • S7 TASK : Discord > Google Contacts
  • S7 TASK : Contact > Discord
  • S7 TASK : Google Calendar > Discord

I only have the free version of zapier but I was wondering what possibilities I have in getting this bot to function how I want it to. Essentially, I want users to first be able to create a google contact (First name: Username, Last name: #xxxx) by posting their email address in a specific channel in the server. The bot then notifies the user when the contact has been created in the google contacts. Next, the user will be able to create an event in google calendar and a notification of an update will be posted in the announcements channel.

Currently for each bot I have:


Discord > Google Contacts:  Search by {Email Address}
Email Address {Content: ____}
Create Google Contacts Contact if it doesn’t exist yet? {YES}
First Name: {Author Username: user }
Last name: {Author Discriminator: #0000 }
Email: {content: }
Notes: {{ Time Added {Timestamp: xxxx-xx-xx}
Contacts > Discord Message Text: {Thanks! Your Contact has been created! {Name First} {Name Last}! Time added: {Update Time}!
Bot Name: Google Contacts
Bot Icon: G+ Contacts logo.
New Calendar Event > Discord

Channel in server set.
Message Text: {@everyone, a new event has been added to our calendar <>. 

Event Name: {Summary: Event Name}

Time & Date: {Event Begins (Pretty): xx-xx-xxxx @0:00pm}

Location: {Location: Server Name - Server IP}

Event Type: {Description: Event Description}

Bot Name: S7 Calendar Update
Bot Icon: Image Address from Logo on our Website

  The issue seems to be in that the trigger for the Google Calendar seems to only pull the following: 

creator- email:

organizer- email:

displayName: {Hidden}

self: true
Is it possible to also pull the Creator First Name + Last Name from google Contacts? 


I tried setting up the task below.
1. New or Updated Event in Google Calendar

2. Find Contact in Google Contacts

3. Send Channel Message in Discord

Even with “Find Google Contact” as Task 2, i still only have the option to input their {Email} instead of  {First.Name} on the Task 3 “message”. How do get the First Name field as an attachable field?


Corrected comment above.

Just checking in to see if you still need help with this? 

Hello @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu, I had sidelined this for a while, but if you still would like to assist with this project that would be awesome!

To recap:
Piece 1 (Create Contact)

  1. Users enter their email address into a dedicated text chat in my discord server.
  2. Bot will read their user ID, then take their username and apply it as their “first name” and discriminator number (#0000) and apply it as “last name” if a contact does not already exist from the user ID. If a user already exists with different data, it will overwrite it.

Piece 2 (Create Calendar Post)

  1. Create calendar post in Google Calendar

Piece 3 (Discord Post)

  1. Apply “1. Creator Email” in Zapier message text forms.
  2. Tag the user’s <@userid> in the text based on Google Contact already created.


If you want more information or would like to reach me let me know, I’d love to be able to hop in a voice call and explain a bit more :)