I’m working on creating a series of zaps that will create calendar updates in my gaming community server on discord. So far, I have 3 tasks, named respectively as follows:
- S7 TASK : Discord > Google Contacts
- S7 TASK : Contact > Discord
- S7 TASK : Google Calendar > Discord
I only have the free version of zapier but I was wondering what possibilities I have in getting this bot to function how I want it to. Essentially, I want users to first be able to create a google contact (First name: Username, Last name: #xxxx) by posting their email address in a specific channel in the server. The bot then notifies the user when the contact has been created in the google contacts. Next, the user will be able to create an event in google calendar and a notification of an update will be posted in the announcements channel.
Currently for each bot I have:
Discord > Google Contacts: | Search by {Email Address} Email Address {Content: ____} Create Google Contacts Contact if it doesn’t exist yet? {YES} First Name: {Author Username: user } Last name: {Author Discriminator: #0000 } Email: {content: email@domain.com } Notes: {{ Time Added {Timestamp: xxxx-xx-xx} |
Contacts > Discord | Message Text: {Thanks! Your Contact has been created! {Name First} {Name Last}! Time added: {Update Time}! Bot Name: Google Contacts Bot Icon: G+ Contacts logo. |
New Calendar Event > Discord | Channel in server set. |
The issue seems to be in that the trigger for the Google Calendar seems to only pull the following: