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Discord can't remove role error

  • 27 July 2021
  • 1 reply

Hey, I am trying to remove a role on users when they cancel their subscription on discord but i get an error on my zap.



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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey @tervo,

I’m so sorry your Zap is running into some trouble with removing Discord roles.

I suspect you’ve already double-checked the user ID is correct and is still active. So if that’s the case maybe it’s actually the role that’s causing the error.

Does the user with that ID definitely have a “trader” role currently? I’m wondering if it might be that they’ve got a different role. As that could be why the Zap isn’t able to remove that specific role. In which case you’d need to add that role before it can be removed.

Please let us know whether that’s the case here! :)