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Hi! In the past I have created a zap with Gotowebinar and Google Sheets. Today that zap is not used. But today I need to create a differente Zap with Goto webinar using a differente Gotowebinar account/credential. If I disconnect Gotowebinar and I create new zap, in the conneconnection zapier use the old gotowebinar account. How can I use a new user? 

@Vcarnemolla you can have multiple gotowebinar accounts connected to your Zapier account. So when you select the gotowebinar action it’ll ask you which gotowebinar account you want to use and will default to the account you already have connected, however you can click the dropdown and add as many accounts as needed by clicking on “Add New Account”


Here’s an example for Google Sheets. I don’t have a gotowebinar example, but its the same concept of selecting a different account or adding a new account. 


Thank you @PaulKortman! However my problem is right here. If I add new accounts it always takes the same credentials as gotowebinar and I can't change them. So in “myApps” I have 3 gotowebinar connected with the same gotowebinar account and iti is wrong. If I delete all may gotowebinar apps, and I create a new one, Zapier uses always the same crdentials as in a loop.

Ah @Vcarnemolla ive had that happen before too. The problem is that it doesn’t prompt you for your login credentials it detects that you’re already logged into an account at gotowebinar and just adds those credentials. 

The way around this is first go to gotowebinar and log out. Then go to zapier and click add new account. It should prompt you to login which is when you can put the other account’s login details.

If you need to add a third gotowebinar account first logout of the second gotowebinar account and then return to zapier and click add new account and login as the third user.