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determining if photo is horizontal or vertical

  • 31 October 2022
  • 2 replies

I am receiving iPhone photos from the Sendblue messaging service and need to determine if they’re vertical or horizontal. This seems like it should be really easy but is giving me trouble. They’re in a CDN (link to example photo). So far I’ve tried this post and the CLI that resulted from it, but when I try to add it doesn’t show up in my apps.

I also tried the “mallabe” app, but it’s saying the photo is not “publicly accessible”. This confuses me as the photo seems accessible to anybody I send it to.

AirEXIF is another solution I am looking into, I just applied to use their app.

Hey @ianwatts!

It sounds like you’ve had some great ideas, I’m sorry that they haven’t worked out so far. 

I tried your Imagesize app using the invite link and it seems to be working for me:

I had to wait a minute for the app to show up after I searched, it didn’t pop up immediately. Could you check this in the Zap editor again?


If that doesn’t work, can I ask, when you used the mallabe app, was the trigger the Sendinblue message? Are you able to share the output of that trigger? We might be able to figure out why mallabe is giving you the error message that the app isn’t publicly accessible. Don’t forget to remove or obscure any personal or private information in any screenshot you share in the community (eg full name, email address, etc).

If you have any success with AirEXIF let us know!

Yep, ImageSize is now showing up! It doesn’t suite my needs however as the orientation of the photo is not actually determined by the dimensions, which are always the same.

I worked with the people at “mallabe” and it is now recognizing my image as publicly available. I can actually use this to determine the photo orientation with the “orientation” metadata tag. An explanation can be found here. I just got access to AirEXIF after applying for their app so I am assuming that would work as well. Need to do a bit more research for edge cases wrt orientation (camera facing down/up, photos that have been rotated after the fact), but everything seems good so far.