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I am trying to set up for a zap to send a specific time of day. 


Google Sheets - New line on sheet

Delay until 6pm on that day

Send SMS text to customer at 6pm


Could someone help on how to set this up. 

Hi @Toby Silent Disco 

Try using a Delay Until step in the Zap:

I noticed that @Toby Silent Disco had reached out to our Support team about this as well. And it appears they got this sorted using a Delay (Delay Until) step. I’m sharing Support’s response here in case it’s helpful to others looking to delay a Zap until a specific time: 

“To configure the Delay step to postpone the SMS until 6pm on the day the Zap triggers, you can add "Today at 6pm" to the "Date/Time Delayed Until" field.
That said, it looks like you already have this in place, and I see that one Zap run is currently being delayed as expected.”