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Can I delay the action depending on the date found in the Google Sheets data?


As an example, if a person has chosen MM/dd/YYYY day from the future, they will receive a thank you message the next day after MM/dd/YYYY day has passed

Hello! You can’t send a message the day after a date in your spreadsheet using only Delay Until, but you could use a Formatter step to add a day, then use Delay Until to send the message on the date that Formatter outputs. Does that makes sense? 

Hi @whiteiverson 

Also be aware, that the Delay app can only be up to 30 days.

I Need to Delay a Step Longer Than 1 Month

You can use Google Calendar's Event Start Trigger to create a long delay.

Thank you. I managed to do this by adding the Delay Until.

That’s fantastic news, @whiteiverson! Thanks for letting us know :)