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I just use zapier daily weather to google sheet row and cant see the timestamp of the row,  the only thing is Time column that look like long number “1611334800”.   How can i see timestamp for each row inserted from daily weather?

Hi @ronl 

Try changing the format of the column in GSheets to a Timestamp.


thanks,  i tried but not working.  see attached

look at the row…. it has only “time” column coming from zapier daily weather  and i cant translate it to date or time.


its very strange as i just follow the instructions, and cant have datetime for a row daily.  also other date/time columns are just long number.


any idea?



FYI: Those timestamp are in UNIX format.

Check out this help article for how to convert them using a Formatter step:

Change FROM this date/time format to your desired date/time format.


thanks , i solve it.

added sheets formula to the zapier field,  the forumla to translate UNIX timestamp to date is:  CELL VALUE / 86400+DATE(1970,1,1)+time(5,30,0)