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I am trying to create a new customer from a Jotform. In my jotform, both the Full Name and the Address are broken up into separate fields. In Jotform they are identified as “sublabels”. When I go to create a zap, however, the entire address and name come in as data blocks. There’s not way to get “Stree address” “City” “State” and “zip”, and “First Name” “Last Name”. It’s just a data blog. Any idea how I can separate out that data? It comes in as separate fields, and in each subfield is a choice but I can’t seem to do it here. 



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search for customer


add if doesn’t exist. 


Got it. Resolved

Thanks for letting us know that you figured this out,  @Bellevuefineart!

Another issue I ran into between Quickbooks and Jotform is that Jotform bunches fields together and has sublabels. Zapier is unable to separate the sublabels into separate fields, and so some of the canned form fields in Jotform can’t be used, like Full Name, and Address. They come out as a data blob that can’t be converted in Zapier. So I had to create new fields in my form that could be used by Zapier. 


That part of my zap is working now. thanks. 

Hey @Bellevuefineart 

Take a loom at the “Formatter” action step. There is the “Utilities->Line Item To Text” and the “Text->Split” options that combined should allow you wrangle than blob into something more useful.

This might help: