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I created a Zap that creates a Trello card when I Jira issue is created.  It works but it doesn’t do exactly what I want it to do.  It is creating a Trello card in the right list just fine.  It does it when any ticket is created on any board in Jira.  That’s a lot of tickets.  I want it to only create a card when a Jira issue is created for me.  Since I had to log into Jira, I thought it would use my user name when finding issues.  I was also hoping there would be a place to specific the Jira project.  Am I missing something or is this what this does?

Add a Filter step to the Zap:

That’s what I want but either it doesn’t work correctly or I’m doing something wrong.  I set up my Jira Cloud task for when a new issue is created in a specific project.  Next, I add a Zap filter.  This is the part I’m not sure is working correctly.  It gives me a list of fields to choose from and I’m looking for Assignee.  There is an Assignee Self field and there is an Assignee Active field.  The thing is that these fields are also populated with values and aren’t just field names.  The first has a URL and the second is True.  The Zap has already found an issue in my project and is giving me fields that are already populated with values.  I’ve written a lot of SQL and used a lot of filtering tools.  This doesn’t make sense.  The next thing to fill out is the criterion and I want Text Contains.  I can’t fill in the data I want because the field already has a value.  It’s like the Zap filter isn’t working correctly.  Am I missing something?

We would need to see screenshot of the returned data available to use in the Filter step as well as the Filter step configuration in order to further evaluate and advise.

This is the Jira screenshot.


This is the Zap.


You can see in the dropdown, the fields are prepopulated with the data from a specific issue.  There should be a field labeled “Assignee” and a persons name is in that  field.  I searched on Assignee and it doesn’t appear.


Have you tried using this Jira Software Cloud trigger?

Here’s a help article about JQL:


That worked.  Thanks.