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Create tasks in HubSpot from checklist or bullet points in Google Docs

  • 4 July 2022
  • 1 reply


Is anyone able to please share info, ideas, relevant Zapier roadmap or workaround, that shows how to trigger a task to be created in HubSpot, when a checklist or bullet point is created in Google Docs? Is this at all possible?

I’ve seen the workaround, that creates an engagement in HubSpot, when a Google Task is created. So I can try a 2 step solution. But I thought I’d ask all the same for any others:







Appreciate any hits!

Thank you

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @NiiAmar_Peach! Great question!

I did some digging and you’re right at the moment, this isn’t a supported trigger. That said, there is an open feature request for an “Updated Document” trigger. While we can’t guarantee when or if this will get implemented, I did get your vote added to it! This allows us to track interest and will also keep you in the loop via email if it does become supported. We’ll be sure to keep the topic informed as well. 🙂

I’m not familiar with any current workarounds for this but maybe someone in our community has some suggestions around it. I hope this helps and welcome to the Community! 🎉
