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I am trying to create a GDrive folder hierarchy by using GSheet rows. Creating the root folder works fine, but I can’t get it to create a sub-folder.

So for example if I add a GSheet row called “Test”, the it will create a folder named “Test” (correct!)

But if I add a row called “Test/sub-test” then it actually creates a new folder called (literally) “Test/sub-test”, rather than creating a sub-folder called “sub-test” in the folder “Test”.

Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?

Hi @Karlcct 

To create the Sub Folder it needs to know the Parent Folder ID.

NOTE: The Folder names would need to be unique in order to avoid finding the wrong Parent Folder.

Try these steps…

  1. Trigger: ???
  2. Action: GDrive - Find Folder (Parent Folder)
  3. Action: GDrive - Create Folder (Sub Folder) rmap the ID of the Folder from Step 2]