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Create Stripe invoices from new row in Airtable

  • 16 May 2021
  • 5 replies

Hi I’m looking to sent Stripe invoices from editing in Airtable!

I’ve set up a  couple zaps that

  1. creates a Stripe customer from a new row in Airtable via webhook
  2. creates an invoice item and sends an invoice to the newly created customer.

I’ve successfully created the customer in a LIVE Stripe environment via Airtable, however, when proceeding with the zap step to create the invoice item, the app returns “no such customer”. I don’t know why this is the case, as previous steps have correctly mapped the stripe ID, customer name, etc.

Live Stripe keys are being used as well.

Anyone have any experience with something similar? Thanks for any help!

I followed this tutorial

Hi @drungsea 

Please provide screenshots of how your Zap step is currently configured, thanks.

@Troy Tessalone thanks for the response. As seen in the screens below, the webhook has received the call from Airtable, but Stripe is saying the customer doesn’t exist, even though I created the customer (separately) before starting the zap. Also note, when this workflow is executed, the customer will have already been created via a previous zap.

There shouldn’t be any conflict with api keys at this stage as I am using live ones. I know that comes into play later, when I POST data to create the invoice item. 

In any case, thanks for your time in offering any insight!


call from Airtable


find customer in stripe
test failed
customer already in stripe


Hi @drungsea 

This is an invalid option for this field.

Try selecting from one of the available options from the dropdown list.


Hm thanks, so that would mean that selecting a custom value won’t work? i.e. a value from a previous step. 

I’ve done that before, but does that not work with webhooks?

I actually ended up solving this by setting up the trigger differently, in a way that had all the relevant information sent without using a webhook initially.

Thanks for your help!

Hi @drungsea!


Thanks for letting us know that you were able to find a way to set up your Zap :slight_smile:


For future reference, with the Stripe Find Customer action the ‘Find By’ field is the field that you want to use for the search (ie do you want to look for the customer using their ID or their email address). The ‘Query’ field is where you would put the information that you want to use for the search (eg an email address)

I hope that helps!