Step 1: Set Up the Trigger
Step 2: Filter Emails (Optional)
If you only want to create tasks for specific recipients or campaigns, use Filter by Zapier to set up conditions.
Example: Filter by email address or campaign name.
Step 3: Create Salesforce Tasks
Map Task Details:
Subject: Map the email subject from Mailchimp (e.g., Follow-up: {{Campaign Subject}}
Related To: Map the recipient’s email address or name to a Salesforce Contact or Lead.
Due Date: Set a due date for the task (e.g., 1 day after the email is sent).
Status: Set the task status (e.g., Not Started
Description: Include details like:
Email sent to {{Recipient Email}} on {{Email Sent Date}}. Campaign: {{Campaign Name}} Subject: {{Campaign Subject}}
Step 4: Test the Zap
Example Workflow
Trigger: Mailchimp - Email Sent.
Action: Salesforce - Create Task.
Subject: Follow-up: {{Campaign Subject}}
Related To: {{Recipient Email}}
Due Date: 1 day after {{Email Sent Date}}
Description: Email sent to {{Recipient Email}} on {{Email Sent Date}}. Campaign: {{Campaign Name}}, Subject: {{Campaign Subject}}
Some tips:
Use Salesforce: Find Record to match the recipient’s email to a Contact or Lead before creating the task.
Use Paths by Zapier to handle cases where the recipient isn’t found in Salesforce.
Let me know if this works?
Step 1: Set Up the Trigger
Step 2: Filter Emails (Optional)
If you only want to create tasks for specific recipients or campaigns, use Filter by Zapier to set up conditions.
Example: Filter by email address or campaign name.
Step 3: Create Salesforce Tasks
Map Task Details:
Subject: Map the email subject from Mailchimp (e.g., Follow-up: {{Campaign Subject}}
Related To: Map the recipient’s email address or name to a Salesforce Contact or Lead.
Due Date: Set a due date for the task (e.g., 1 day after the email is sent).
Status: Set the task status (e.g., Not Started
Description: Include details like:
Email sent to {{Recipient Email}} on {{Email Sent Date}}. Campaign: {{Campaign Name}} Subject: {{Campaign Subject}}
Step 4: Test the Zap
Example Workflow
Trigger: Mailchimp - Email Sent.
Action: Salesforce - Create Task.
Subject: Follow-up: {{Campaign Subject}}
Related To: {{Recipient Email}}
Due Date: 1 day after {{Email Sent Date}}
Description: Email sent to {{Recipient Email}} on {{Email Sent Date}}. Campaign: {{Campaign Name}}, Subject: {{Campaign Subject}}
Some tips:
Use Salesforce: Find Record to match the recipient’s email to a Contact or Lead before creating the task.
Use Paths by Zapier to handle cases where the recipient isn’t found in Salesforce.
Let me know if this works?
Just want to make a correction here, I meant New Campaign instead of Email Sent trigger and Create Record instead of Create Task in salesforce
Hi @krupagawade,
I just came across your post here and wanted to check in here to see how you’re getting on. Were you able to test out @pranayshinde suggestion here?
Please do let us know if you’re still in need of some help on this at all - happy to assist further!