I am trying to create a new Shopify order from AirTable, and have the fulfillment status set to “Pending Fulfillment”. However, when I select that option in Zapier and test the order, I get the error message “order Fulfillment status is invalid”.
I assume that I am doing something wrong as I am quite new to Zapier, so I was wondering if someone else has encountered this issue, or if there is something that I should be doing that I am not that can help me solve this problem?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Hi @amit_v
Can you share schreenshots of your zapier fields that you have mapped so that we can understand where the issue is?
Hi @robschmidt -
Thank you for your prompt help! I had to wait a few days for new orders to pop in to the AirTable sheet before testing again. Please see below for a list of all the fields that I’m populating along with a screenshot of the error message that Zapier is giving me. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Product Variant
Product Quantity
Product Title
Product Price
Weight in Grams
Discount - Type
Discount - Amount
Discount - Code
Additional Details
Send Receipt
Send Fulfillment Receipt
Inventory Behaviour
Decrement Obeying Item Policy
Financial Status
Fulfillment Status
Pending Fulfillment
Shipping Address - First name
Shipping Address - Last name
Shipping Address - Company
Shipping Address - Phone
Shipping Address - Address
Shipping Address - Address con't
Shipping Address - City
Shipping Address - Country
Shipping Address - State/Province/Region
Shipping Address - Postal/Zip code
Billing Address - First name
Billing Address - Last name
Billing Address - Company
Billing Address - Phone
Billing Address - Address
Billing Address - Address con't
Billing Address - City
Billing Address - Country
Billing Address - State/Province/Region
Billing Address - Postal/Zip code
Source Name
Product Variant
empty (optional)
Weight in Grams
empty (optional)
empty (optional)
Discount - Type
empty (optional)
Discount - Amount
empty (optional)
Discount - Code
empty (optional)
Additional Details
empty (optional)
empty (optional)
Shipping Address - Company
empty (optional)
Shipping Address - Phone
empty (optional)
Billing Address - Company
empty (optional)
Billing Address - Phone
empty (optional)
Billing Address - Address
empty (optional)
Billing Address - Address con't
empty (optional)
Billing Address - City
empty (optional)
Billing Address - Country
empty (optional)
Billing Address - State/Province/Region
empty (optional)
Billing Address - Postal/Zip code
empty (optional)
Source Name
empty (optional)
@robschmidt@amit_v I’m getting the same error message. No matter what fulfillment status I choose even if I do a custom one I get… “order Fulfillment status is invalid”
Hi @Brad Forbush!
I think your best bet in this case would be to contact the Zapier support team, so they can dig into your Zaps and error logs.
I spoke to the Zapier support team and it seems like a known bug. Unfortunately, no resolution yet.
I spoke to the Zapier support team and it seems like a known bug. Unfortunately, no resolution yet.
Thanks for letting me know. I just got mine to work by using the option… “None of these line items have been fulfilled” You can try that. Hopefully it works like it did for me.
I spoke to the Zapier support team and it seems like a known bug. Unfortunately, no resolution yet.
Thanks for letting me know. I just got mine to work by using the option… “None of these line items have been fulfilled” You can try that. Hopefully it works like it did for me.