I have a Gravity Form where users can pick and choose between 7 different types of donation options, each of which will ultimately get converted to line items in Bloomerang. I want to remove any donation “type” they do not select from becoming a line item… those with a value of 0. My logic is telling me to test the value and then create a text field that can be used to build the line items. If the donation is greater than 0, the text will be “dollar amount, ”. If equal to zero, the text field is blank (won’t generate line item). FYI: there are other “hard-coded” fields that need to be included as part of the each line item. The content of each varies so the idea of doing a “split text” to remove a line does not work (unless there is an option to look for the “0” and remove the entire contents of the line regardless of the rest of the content?).
I’ve considered many scenarios but none carry all the way through to my end goal. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!