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Hi all.


A problem keeps me busy and ist should be possible:

“create a plain text file (extension .csv) from a daily export.


This is what I have so far:

  • get new input data from Formidable →hubspot, that works fine
  • now I want a daily update of the new contacts written in a new plain csv file 
    (it should be plain top avoid tripple qoutes), that I found a description on
  • but, all the data in the file should be of this format:
    “name”,”email”,””,””  etc 
    where every field shoudl contain a start quote and an end quote, even when they are empty (then “”)
  • fields are seperated by comma’s
  • and this seems to be difficult ;(

any suggestions?

Hi @southparc. 

Good question.

For context, can you provide screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured?

Hi @southparc., welcome to the Community!

To elaborate a bit on what Troy said, it would be helpful to see the information you’re getting from the Formidable trigger, so we know what format it’s in, what they are, etc. 



Hi guys,


Sorry for a late reply (spring holiday) we are looking a different direction now (exporting it to hubspot first e.g.). And we found that the file basically is a text file with a .csv extention..


So, any thing that can create a basic file with a csv extension as a next step will help.

The content then will be “name”,“lastname”,””,””,”phone”

etcetera.. that can be made by making a field this way:  “evariable]”,  etc


Hi @southparc. jumping in here so I just want to make sure I’m reading this right. You are looking for a platform that can receive/create a basic csv file? If yes, then I would recommend working with Excel on this. 

Hi @chanelle,


Excel is not an option - we try to avoid the whole stack 😉 but we only need a simple file with OUTPUT like the one attached (frist row is headers, second and third etc is data).

The problem is the “text” Exporting this as CSV will create “””text”””.

As we can edit the same file with TextEdit (Apple iMac) we concluded it should be possible to just make a tex file with the structure as described and make the extension .csv.

That should result in the attached file structure (data row should be added daily by running the zap) which can be imported in the (old, API-less) system.



Hey @southparc.!

I wonder if you could Digest by Zapier to get all of the contacts for a day, then release that digest daily in the format you mentioned above.

It would likely take some testing in your Zap to see if it’s possible, but I think it might be able to handle it :)