Hi @Jim Missin, welcome to the Community!
Hmm, is it the form entries (submissions), or newly created Zoho forms that you’re looking to track here?
If it’s form entries, you could potentially track the activity for the Zap to see how many times the forms have been submitted. There was a product update shared a little while back on how to share Zap activity reports using Zapier Manager which may be useful. You can read it here:
There’s a handy Zap template shared on that product update (Create Zap Report template) that’s all set up to send out a weekly Zap activity report notification. So you’d just need to adjust it slightly to get it to send a daily rather than weekly report for your Zaps activity. And also change the email notification step to fit your needs.
But if it’s how many brand new Zoho forms are being created, then you could potentially use Storage by Zapier to count the number of form entries/Google Sheet rows. There’s a topic in Community that discusses how to do this sort of thing here:
Having said that, I’m not seeing a “New Zoho Form Created” trigger for the Zoho Forms app, which you’d need as the trigger. So it may need to be requested as a new feature.
Hopefully the above info helps to get you started. Eager to hear how you get on with this! 
@SamB Great, thanks for this info. - much appreciated! I’ll read through and see if i can get this working