Is what you are requiring the same as counting how many times the Zap fires in a period?
I think so i.e based on my understanding, if the filter criteria is not met, then Zap wont fire. So if there are 10 rows added to the spreadsheet and only 8 met the criteria then the zap count should be 8 but not 10. the admin will will/should get an email that 8 rows are processed
@Raghu One way to accomplish this would be to use our Storage app to increment a value by 1 each time a row triggers the Zap. You can learn more about that process in our help docs.
If you’re looking to send the total at the end of the day, you could then have a Zap scheduled to run at a specific time, retrieve the value from Storage then reset it to zero so it can be used again on the following day. Does that sound like what you’re trying to accomplish?
@Raghu the above from @nicksimard will work. But the result is pretty invisible.
If you are passing the timestamp into the spreadsheet (are you using Google or Excel?) each row has a date. You could summaries the rows based on date and get a count. Or you could use Pivot Table report that would be dynamic.
If you need some help with Pivot Tables etc let me know.
But the key for me is... Why do you want to count this? What will you do with that information?