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This is what I do:

I have a very simple 2-shift roster as a google calendar that I share via a public link with my team. Available shifts are called “FREE SHIFT”. Staff can look up free shifts and email me if they want to work. I will then rename the calendar event from “FREE SHIFT” to “Tom Smith”.

This is what I want to do:
I would like to populate a google doc or sheet with the free shifts so that I can share the link to that document periodically (eg at the start of each month)

Every time a shift is changed (eg from FREE SHIFT to “Tom Smith” I want this document to update so that the free shift that Tom has now filled is no longer listed.

Looking forward to your ideas

Hi @drckarcher 

Good question.

Here’s an alternative approach you may want to use.

Use Airtable instead of GSheets.

Airtable has Views. (e.g. Grid, Calendar, Form, etc.)

You can share a link to a read only View.

As records are updated, the data would be updated automatically across the Views.

You may not need to use Zaps in this case.

Airtable also has Automations, which you may want to leverage.

Airtable Views can also be used in Zaps to limit data.