Hi there!
My client is looking to build an automation so that every time they send out a new mailchimp campaign, the campaign is added as a blog item in their webflow CMS - this is to avoid entering both manually.
I’ve connected Mailchimp new campaign as my trigger → sent through to a zapier formatter to remove the ‘unsubscribe’ and ‘company details’ which appear at the bottom of every mailchimp campaign → this feeds through to zapier formatter to extract the top image URL as the header image → this feeds through to Webflow and a new post is created.
Here’s the issue. Or for those that don’t want to watch the video; the image URL’s used in the mailchimp campaign are being pulled through as URL’s, not images. So the blog has an image URL above each section as opposed to the picture. How do I convert all links to images? or is there another workaround to this i’m not seeing?