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Converting Google Forms' choices to Trello card labels?

  • 4 November 2022
  • 4 replies

Howdy! I’m looking for the most elegant solution to the following:

I have a Google form with several multiple-choice questions in it. When the form is filled out, I’d like for whatever choice is made on each question dictate which label is added to the resulting card in Trello.

If I have 2 multi-choice questions, each with 4 options, then there are 8 possible labels that can be put onto the final card (in a pair, that is, since there are 2 multi-choice questions). This means that the “Paths” action on Zapier cannot elegantly convert the choices to the correct labels in a single step, since the max branches per action is 5 (A through E).

I’m pretty sure I can solve this by using multiple “Paths” actions in my zap, but I also know that I have a tendency to land on the clunkiest possible solution to logic puzzles like this (I’m an illustrator, not a programmer), so I just wanted to ask here if there might be a better way to handle it. Like a way to associate “Multi-Choice Question 1, Answer B” with “Label ‘B’, Red” in one action. I SUSPECT that the best solution has SOMETHING to do with spreadsheets (which is why I’ve tagged this “Google Sheets” as well), but I could very well be wrong about that.


Either way, any help or guidance would be appreciated! Thank you in advance.

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey @ScruffyDeer!

You’re on the right track with the spreadsheet idea, but there’s actually an easier way to do it :)

You can use the Formatter’s Lookup Table feature. I made a simpler Google Form than you described:

Then I add this step:


Let’s break it down. 

  1. Map each question from your form (it doesn’t matter which choices were made in your sample).
  2. On the left side, add all the possible combinations that can happen.
  3. On the right side, add what you want ti output when that combo comes through

To find the value to put on the right, you’ll go here in the Trello step:


In this case the value matches the label so it’s easy, but if you wanted to use something else you would still use the smaller value in gray.


And finally, you map the output of your Formatter step, using a custom value:


Hope that helps!

Thank you for the reply! I appreciate how granular your response is, but I’m actually stuck pretty early in the process.

If the form choices are more complex than single words (Kiwi, Banana, etc) is there a proper way to format them when I input them into the fields you labeled “Add all possible combos” on the lookup table? Some of my choices have spaces, symbols, and parenthesis. I could simplify them in the form but if there’s a way to avoid having to tweak the client end (the answers have extra info for quick reference to the client, like prices per choice, so I’d like to keep the symbols and stuff, ideally), I’d like to know how for future reference.


Thank you regardless!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @ScruffyDeer! Just stepping in for Nick here. I don’t believe there is a format you need to consider here - spaces and symbols are a-okay! So long as the table inputs exactly match what’s in your form and vice-versa, you should be good to go here! 

Of course, if any other questions arise as you’re getting set up, you know where to find us! 🙂

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey @ScruffyDeer!

As Jesse mentioned, as long as the lookup table is an *exact* match for what the form produces, you can use whatever you’d like.

That being said, I’d probably err on the side of keeping it as simple and straightforward as possible (if that’s at all an option). Please let us know if you have any other questions!