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Currently, my company has both Jira and AdativeWork (formerly Clarizen), and for our particular use case, we need the following to occur:

  1. New project created in Jira creates a matching project in AdaptiveWork.
    • Can do via ‘create new object based on update issue’.
  2. After the project has been created, keep the two connected so that any further updates to the Jira project update the AdaptiveWork project also.
    • Can’t seem to figure out how to do this without having to manually create a new Zap specifically for every project after it has been created, so Zapier can find it to sync.
    • Even then, unsure if it would continue to sync with AdaptiveWork.
    • Further challenge, there are of course multiple projects, so very unsure how to both capture that from Jira, and have it ‘find’ the corresponding AdapiveWork project.

Not preferable to have 1 Zap per project, as we’re talking 50+. Is there a way to have this dynamic, even if there is a middle step between Jira > ? > AdaptiveWork?

Hi @RGS 

The Jira Software Cloud Zap app has no triggers related to Projects.



Correct, however I can create a new project on the AdaptiveWork side based on the status and any issue updates, I just can’t keep them connected to consistently sync. Maybe that’s a workaround too far?



Does Zapier support two-way syncing?


No. Zapier does not support two-way syncing between apps right now. Think of Zaps like one-way workflows.

In certain scenarios, you can fake two-way syncing by setting up two different Zaps that perform opposite actions. For instance, you could have one Zap that creates a new spreadsheet row for every new contact created and another that creates a new contact for every new spreadsheet row.

miscEye icon Note

Be careful not to create a Zap Loop. Learn how to avoid Zap loops.