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Constant Contact Zap - Will it update with every campaign I create?

  • 20 April 2020
  • 5 replies

I set up constant contact to put a note on my crm when someone opens an email and it’s working fine but zapier made me pick the campaign I was doing the zap for. My question is, will zapier add these notes for EVERY campaign I send or will I have to adjust the zap everytime I create a new campaign?

Hi @njinsuranceguy! It’s not currently possible to set up one Zap that will cover all of your campaigns, so you would need to make a new Zap for each campaign (or adjust the one that you’ve made). 


We do have a feature request to make the campaign field optional, but it’s not currently possible for us to make that change because Constant Contact’s API (the bit of code that allows it to talk to other apps, like Zapier) requires us to send a Campaign in order to make things work.

I have added you to the feature request so that if things change in the future, and we’re able to make update the New Email Open trigger, then we’ll send you an email to let you know!



Thanks! Is that true for Mailchimp too? I’ve been thinking of using them too.


One more question on this… can I do this in 2 steps or does it have to be 3 steps? Currently I have it running this way… Step 1: Constant Contact trigger: Open Email, Step 2: Capusle CRM: Find Contact (if not in there skip), Step 3: Capsule CRM: Add Note To Contact in Capsule


Zapier had a zap to do this in 2 steps but it doesn’t work if the lead isn’t in Capsule. Is there a way to do this in two steps?


Yes, it will need to be a 3 step zap as you have to find the contact to have it’s ID to have the note attached to said contact.

Hi @njinsuranceguy!

MailChimp does not have a trigger for New Email Open, I’m afraid. The last time we checked this was not possible, given MailChimp’s API. We’re tracking the request, however, in the event that it ever does become possible. I’ll add your vote for that :)