Hello friends,
I've been trying to setup Kaizala's webhook with Zapier. The problem that I've got is that in order to subscribe an URL, the webhook sends (POST) and expects to receive (GET) a token, and I have not been able to do that double function on my Zap. I've been trying that by using Catch Raw Hook and Catch Hook functions.
The response I get on Kaizala's side is this:
{ "message": "Callback URL couldn't be validated. Validation Token in response does not match. Expected = 3482368, received = {\"request_id\": \"5e56d785-bd0c-443f-b2d3-74665f5e9aXX\", \"id\": \"0de1df38-73bc-4925-9c3c-9d18b5cb8fXX\", \"status\": \"success\", \"attempt\": \"5e56d785-bd0c-443f-b2d3-74665f5e9aXX\"}", "errorCode": "InvalidParameters", "errorCategoryKey": "InvalidParametersException"}
Any suggestions??