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I attempted to follow the simple guide provided by Zapier, with the following directions:

“Create a new report under the "Reports" tab and grab the id from the URL as shown here. “

However, that is no longer how BambooHR titles its report pages.  Now it’s done via <<reportname>/id# but when I enter the ID #, it tells me the report isn’t found.  Presumably, because the format is no longer functioning?

Any advice for how to get the report to actually pull would be great!

Hey there, @sjkwapien! Thanks for reaching out!

I took a quick peek and it looks like you’re in the best of hands with my friends in support. Definitely keep us posted with your findings though! We want to make sure you’re all squared away. 🙂

Thanks so much!

Hi friends! It looks like you were able to figure this out on your own, which is awesome! 

I wanted to update this topic with your findings in case it’s helpful for anyone following along:

Oooooh, I figured it out!  It was that I had our admin create an API key for me, and instead I created my own and now it's functioning!

Here’s also an article on required permissions as well:

Thanks again and welcome to the Community! 🎉