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Connecting multiple Gravity Forms for summary email notifications

  • 1 June 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi Zapier community! I work at a nonprofit where we regularly receive applications for community projects that we assist with. Currently, our application is housed within several separate Gravity forms (the thinking at the time that it was built was that it would be less overwhelming for the applicant to work at their own pace through the application process if it was separated by different forms where they could save their progress along the way).

Part of our process includes a review of the application by our team to see if the applicant would be a fit for the services we offer. I’d like to create a Zapier process where select data is pulled from multiple forms to create a summary email that goes to our review team when an applicant finishes filling everything out. I would need that email to be triggered when someone completes the final form and pull the corresponding data from that same user from other forms.

I know there must be an easy solution for this, but I’m hitting a wall on trying to figure out how to pull different pieces of data from different forms into one Zap email notification. Any ideas you might have would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for your help!


Best answer by Troy Tessalone 1 June 2022, 16:05

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Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @andywhisenant 

Good question.

You’ll probably need separate Zaps to log (find/create + update) the entries into an Airtable Base.

This will get you 1 record per applicant with all their data across the forms.

Then you can use that to trigger an email when conditions are met.

Airtable Views can be used to trigger Zaps.

Airtable Views have Filters. (e.g. Field X has Status = Send Email)



Zap 1

  1. Trigger: Gravity Forms - Form Submission (Form 1)
  2. Action: Airtable - Find/Create Record
  3. Action: Airtable - Update Record
    1. Map Record ID from Step 2


Zap 2

  1. Trigger: Gravity Forms - Form Submission (Form 2)
  2. Action: Airtable - Find/Create Record
  3. Action: Airtable - Update Record
    1. Map Record ID from Step 2


...repeat for other Forms