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Connecting HubSpot to a phone call provider


We are using Keyyo, as a provider for our phonecalls

The is no APP, even API existing to connect

My question is :

Is there someone who know if we can use Zapier to connect a phone provider to Hubspot ?

Many thanks in advance


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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @bataille 

Good question.

An app would need to have an Zap app or API available in order to be used with Zaps.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi Eric!

I took a look at Keyyo and they do have an API, so you may be able to do what you need with Zapier, HubSpot and Keyyo, but you’ll need to be familiar with how APIs and webhooks work. Another option would be to hire Zapier Expert to help you with it. 

I've added your vote for a Keyyo Zapier integration to our internal app wishlist, and we'll be sure to let you know if/when this app is added to Zapier. In case you're curious, here's more on how new services typically get added to Zapier:

In the meantime. there are some phone services that have an integration with Zapier, this page shows all of the SMS and phone apps that connect to Zapier. I hope that helps!