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Connecting Act-On to pipedrive

  • 19 June 2020
  • 2 replies



We are looking to hire someone to create two Zaps from Act-On to Pripedrive. We use Act-On as a lead qualifying tool on our website then piperive is used as our CRM right now. We would like to implement the following. 


  1. When a lead gets to a certain qualification score in Act-On a new deal with contact information is pushed to Pipedrive and assigned to a contact.


  1. We would like the clients history that's in Act-On to be pushed to and connected to Pipedrive either in an Iframe or an autopopulated field. 


If you can help us out on either or both of these that would be amazing and we look forward to engaging your services. 





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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

@Brenden Just reaching out to see if you have found someone to work with on this integration?


I found this API endpoint for Act-On that could be used to list all contacts of a specific list and then it could be filtered to only process those with a specific status and those that hadn’t been “seen” before. However This is a little tricky to use as a trigger because it will only process not-yet-seen contact records, there is a workaround we can use which is to schedule the trigger and use a webhook as an action step. 


And then for the second part, a client’s history. Does this API endpoint look like what information you are looking for? How often do you want that pushed into Pipedrive? 


Thanks, Here’s hoping someone is already helping you or that I can help!

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @Brenden! We just wanted to check in here to see if Paul’s advice regarding the Act-On API endpoint helped you to achieve your desired outcome here. Let us know!